Windows will prompt you that a disc has been inserted. Then, on your Mac's toolbar, click on Devices Insert Guest Additions CD image. Start the Windows VM again by double-clicking its name or hitting the Start icon. After establishing the folder, be certain to check the 'Auto-mount' option, hit OK, and then OK again to exit the settings. In the resulting window click the down arrow next to 'Folder Path:' and select 'Other.' You will be asked to select an existing folder-or create a new one-on your Mac. Now click the Settings icon and select 'Shared Folders.' Click the plus-sign icon to create a new share. You can right-click on the VM name and select Close Power Off. If your Windows VM is running or in a saved state, you'll want to power it off. To establish one, go back to your VirtualBox Manager. We suggest a shared folder that exists as a conduit between the two platforms. There are a few ways to get files in and out.
The new Windows virtual computer is isolated within your Mac.